Today, between fixing bugs and reviewing code, I spent a bit of time tinkering with my dashboard in the Moodle bug tracker. I was trying to make it as clear as possible which issues need my attention. I am quite pleased with the result:
The issue statistics widget does not just show you the pretty graphs, it also makes it easy to get at those issues. For example, if I click on 1.9.12 in the My targetted issues box, then I am taken to a list of those 11 issues. That particular widget I have used for a while, the new parts are the boxes just under there.
My: Ongoing pull requests I added to make it easy to find the things I have submitted for inclusion in next week's weekly build (hopefully). Thanks to Eloy, that filter is now available to everyone in the jira-developers group.
The next two boxes let me quickly get to issues with patches attached. There is an emerging convention of adding the label patch to such issues, where the attached code needs to be reviewed. This makes finding such issues very much easier. The whole point of the new development processes is to encourage more people to contribute patches, and then ensure those patches get looked at, rather than just sitting there for years. (Here is an example I found yesterday of what used to happen: MDL-13983). Therefore, as quiz maintainer, I need to be able to see easily if anyone has submitted any relevant patches. I also want easy access to bugs with patches that I created or commented on.
Having brought it up, can I say that I am quite happy with how the new processes are working so far. My impression is that since they were introduced, I have received more usable bug fixes for the quiz that in the past. I am not sure how much causality one can claim there, however, since as well as the new processes, we also had the Moodle 2.0 release. Moodle 2.0 has plenty of minor bugs that are ripe for fixing. So, it may just be that we are seeing lots of bug fixes because there are lots of bugs.
At the other end, it has made it a bit easier to get my code reviewed. Well, finished code where I have created a PULL request certainly gets is reviewed. It is still sometimes a problem to get comments on work-in-progress, because everyone is so busy.